Pommes rouges, vinaigre de cidre de pomme, les bienfaits du vinaigre de cidre de pomme, utilisation du vinaigre de cidre de pomme.



What is apple cider vinegar?

We won't surprise you by telling you that apple cider vinegar, well, it's an apple-based vinegar! Through a fermentation process similar to that of wine, alcoholic apple cider turns into vinegar. A large quantity of acetic alcohol is produced during this fermentation, thanks to the joint action of yeasts and bacteria. This vinegar therefore acts as a probiotic and has many surprising benefits.


Its health benefits

For some time now, a shortage of antacids in pharmacies has been stressing Quebecers. What if we told you that apple cider vinegar can prevent indigestion if consumed before a large calorie meal? Its antibiotic properties will even help you calm diarrhea!

The instant you feel an itch or irritation in your throat, gargle with apple cider vinegar. Its antibacterial virtue will ward off infection and also help clean your congested nose.

If you have allergies, apple cider vinegar has properties that help relieve them. Thanks to its virtues which strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation and eliminate phlegm, it will be your best friend during hay fever!

Research also shows that apple cider vinegar will likely help lower your cholesterol levels. It might even help manage the balance of blood sugar levels.

Finally, apple cider vinegar has many benefits for the skin and nails. Indeed, it can serve as a natural remedy against acne, tone and soften the skin, relieve a sunburn, harden your soft and brittle nails, relieve eczema and psoriasis and treat the irruption due to shaving.


Funny Benefits

Did you know apple cider vinegar is an effective treatment for hiccups? The acidity of the vinegar will stimulate the nerves in the throat and thus stop the hiccup spasms!

Apple cider vinegar is also the ideal training partner, as it can help you lose weight. Acetic acid decreases water retention, improves your metabolism and suppresses appetite. It even reduces the penetration of calories into the bloodstream.

You can also fix your dandruff problem by spraying 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar mixed with 1/4 cup of water. Leave for 15 minutes to 1 hour and then wash your beautiful hair.

Do you have night cramps? Drink apple cider vinegar! You are tired? Drink apple cider vinegar! Do you have yellow teeth? Apple cider vinegar! Do you have bad breath? Gargle with…Apple cider vinegar.

Versatile, this vinegar!



Quebec Blue Cross, January 15, 2021, [https://qc.croixbleue.ca/assurance-sante/astuces-sante/865-les-bienfaits-du-vinaigre-de-cidre-de-pomme-pour-la- health-health-tips]

selection.ca, April 9, 2021, [https://www.selection.ca/sante/vivre-sainement/vinaigre-de-cidre-bienfaits-sante/]

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